Monday, July 5, 2010

New House Name In Kerala

Two wolves

An old Indian was sitting with his grandson at the campfire. It was now dark and the fire crackled as the flames licked the sky.

The old man said after a while of silence: ".. Do you know how I feel sometimes it is as if were going to fight as two wolves in my heart each one of them is vengeful, aggressive and cruel, the other other hand, is loving, gentle and compassionate."

"Which of the two will win the battle for your heart?" asked the boy.

"The wolf I feed." replied the old man.

source unknown,
translated from English

Matched by a short poem of mine:

The Wolf Robe

I long in the world Gedrehe
for warmth and comfort,
but no matter where I see:
Nothing but false gaiety.

people who mistreat to
ruled hatred is rampant,
this cold makes me feel cold:
icicles in wolf's clothing.

I never want to cool down so
feel, however, Frost and greed,
'd split the block of ice in me
the hated wolf in me.

© Text & Photo: Simon Felix Geiger, 2010

How To Use That Veet Underarm Wax

Poetry Slam in Illertissen 1 October 2010

Good people,

on first October 2010 by historical small Illertissen place:

For the first time a Poetry Slam , an poets duel held in the premises of the Youth House and the " Slamdog Illionaire " of Illertal chosen! :) Besides charged poets that are from all over Germany, could also add more spontaneous evening of 20 clock in the open reading list.

- 6 min time limit
- no props
- text itself must be written be!
- no singing, the highest ever as a quote!

myslam Here is the info to slam on . net & the Directions .

Featured Artist: The Freiburg songwriter Lugi

It looks forward to seeing you and seeing you,

Simon F. Geiger